Gaining Clarity with Digital Reporting
By Bonnie Wohler
Digital Advertising Sales Strategist
As Midwesterners, we’ve grown accustomed to meteorologists giving us slightly foggy weather forecasts – and I don’t mean the pea soup kind. But when it comes to your digital advertising, foggy shouldn’t be a word that you associate with your digital analytics. I like the words “crystal clear” and “transparent” a lot better – and hopefully it leads to nothing but clear skies for your business.
Weather-analogies aside, understanding how your digital advertising reports can amplify your business – and provide you with the clarity you crave. At Midco, we have three guiding principles when it comes to breaking down ad reports – that way, non-digital experts can understand.
Many digital products are meant to raise awareness. How do we know if that happens?
One way is through Digital Lift analysis.1 By using the Digital Lift report, you can see if your digital campaigns are having a direct impact on your website visit rate. In addition to a numeric measurement, lift is also depicted on a heatmap at the zip code level to show where your ad is having the most impact on your site’s visit rate.
Why is transparency important? Having impression-level transparency and knowing where each dollar is spent can help fight ad fraud. Transparent reporting should always answer the question “Did I get what I paid for?” through detailed audience insights, so you know that your ad campaign reached the people you meant it to.
Plus, viewing your campaign reporting whenever you want with your own login is another way that transparency can work for you. A good ad partner never wants to hide data and wants you to use all of the data – the good and the not-so-good – to make informed decisions about future campaign tactics.
Most digital partners provide the same audience insight metrics such as impressions, engagements, ad interactions, visits, view-throughs and completion rates. But to us, providing these data analytics in a spreadsheet or basic slideshow presentation doesn’t explain exactly how your ads performed.
By slicing and dicing the data into easy-to-view maps, graphs, charts and illustrations, there are ways to sort and organize data to truly measure ad performance. You can get a quick, high-level glance at trends on an overview page or dive deeper into product-level metrics.
There are also ways you can A/B test multiple creatives, view completion rates in quartiles next to your video ad to know where viewers are dropping off – and if they are receiving the message in time. This can help determine if you need changes to your creative or ad placements.
What questions do you have about your digital advertising? Reach out, we’d love to help. Schedule a consultation today to learn more.
Digital Advertising Sales Strategist Bonnie Wohler has more than 15 years of experience in the advertising industry. In her role, she helps launch and train on new digital offerings, provides tools and resources for Midco advertising sales consultants, supports consultants in talking digital to clients and strategizes next steps. Wohler earned her bachelor of arts in psychology from the University of Kansas.
Digital Advertising Sales Strategist Bonnie Wohler has more than 15 years of experience in the advertising industry. In her role, she helps launch and train on new digital offerings, provides tools and resources for Midco advertising sales consultants, supports consultants in talking digital to clients and strategizes next steps. Wohler earned her bachelor of arts in psychology from the University of Kansas.