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Online Protection

Enabling the Online Protection feature in Shield safeguards your devices from malware sites, botnets, spyware, spam, phishing, keyloggers, monitoring, proxy avoidance, anonymizer and other harmful attacks on your network. 

Turning On Online Protection

The Online Protection feature is enabled on all devices connected to your Midco Business Wi-Fi Pro network by default, but it can be customized on the device or employee level for a more individualized experience. 

  • When enabled for an employee, Online Protection is set automatically for all devices assigned to that person. 
  • Online protection can be controlled at the network level through the Shield feature, which is found in the Settings menu in the Midco Business Wi-Fi Pro app. 
  • Device and employee settings can be modified from within their respective detail screens. To provide online protection to guests, Online Protection must be enabled at the network level. 

Content is restricted by our security feature whenever you see: 

  • HTTP sites: An on-screen message stating, “Access to this website is blocked.” 
  • HTTPS sites: An on-screen message with the browser's default "can't be reached" message. 

Shield Feature

Our security features have been designed with a privacy-first mentality, ensuring you have effective protection against today's threats while also respecting your users and their data privacy. 

Since security-related features inherently require more information to protect your devices, users are in full control of enabling, disabling and customizing the features. Shield features monitor for device network metadata, such as DNS, IP address and packet sizes. It does not inspect any data packets or break open any SSL-protected connections, meaning your privacy is preserved. 

How Shield Protects Users and Guests

When Shield features, such as Online Protection and Content Access, are applied at the network level, all devices connected to your Midco Business Wi-Fi Pro network will be protected – including your guests. There is no way to provide protection to only your guests without applying the same protection to your Secure and Employee zone devices.

Shield Feature Network Level (Guest, Secure and Employee) Employee Level Device Level (Secure and Employee) 
Content Access  Yes  Yes  Yes 
Online Protection Yes  Yes  Yes 
Advanced IoT Protection  Yes  No No
Adblocking  Yes  Yes  Yes 

Applying Shield Settings at the Network Level

  1. Navigate to the Settings page
  2. Scroll down to the Shield section and tap on the feature you wish to enable.  
    • Any feature with Custom beside it has rules applied at either the device or employee level. 
    • Anything displaying On is already enabled at the network level. 
    • Advanced IoT protection is network level only. 
  3. Turn on the feature and tap on Overwrite
  4. It will now be displayed as On

How can I know Advanced IoT Protection is working?

If the feature is enabled, all your devices are being protected, even if you do not see any blocked events on your network! Advanced IoT Protection continually monitors and stops threats to your network. If a threat is detected, you are immediately notified. 

Enabling Content Access

Content Access can be used to allow users to only view work-appropriate content. Enabling the Content Access feature prevents users from accessing domains that may add potential liability to your business. 

The Content Access feature can be enabled at the network level, employee level or at the device level (Secure and Employee zones). 

DDoS Protection

There are four main measures taken to keep data secure and reduce vulnerability to DDoS attacks. 

  1. Access to the Pods 
    Local access to your pods is shut down completely to prevent access except from the cloud. SSH, Telnet, HTTP/S and other entry ports are disabled for all shipped products. This prevents hackers from trying to gain access to the device and exploit it for attacks.
  2. Encrypted Transmission to Cloud
    Data sent from the pod to the cloud is encrypted via transport layer security (TLS). Each pod has a unique TLS connection with the cloud to prevent access in route.
  3. Access to Data in the Cloud
    The cloud database is separated from the customer-facing application programming interface (API) server with a virtual private network (VPN) connection, making it more difficult for anyone to access the data.
  4. Reliability in Failover
    Our application programming interface (API) and pod control server is largely protected from distribution denial of services (DDoS) attacks. While operating in Router mode, if the pods lose connection to the cloud, they will operate in their last known state. The Wi-Fi will operate normally, but it will not have the ability to adapt to changes. New devices can join, traffic will flow normally and so on. However, if a new pod is plugged in, it must wait for the cloud to initialize it to join the network. If operating in Bridge mode and the outage lasts longer than ten minutes, Wi-Fi connectivity will be lost until the pods can reconnect to the cloud.