Applying and Saving Filters
ERS contains and displays a large amount of data. To enable users to easily view, edit, and audit data, ERS contains various filters that are instrumental in narrowing down the search results. This way, you can retrieve only the data you need and make the required changes.
The ERS portal contains two screens containing data that lend themselves to filtering, exporting and automatic periodic file generation: (1) Provisioning and (2) Call Details Records. The procedure is the same for records available on both screens.
To apply a filter
- Click on Monitoring, then Call Detail Records. By default, the available filter menu choices and the call detail records for the current account are displayed.
- Note: When you access the Call Details Records screen from a Level 1 account, CDRs belonging to all your Deployment and Sub Accounts are displayed. To search by a specific account, you can enter the account’s name in the Search bar and press Enter.
- Under Filter, apply the desired filters to narrow down the CDRs by Call Type, Call Destination, Call Status and Last Updated date.
- Note: The filter criteria and choices vary based on the ERS screen. For instance, the Call Details Records screen contains Call Type, Call Destination, Call Status and Last Updated filters. Whereas, the Provisioning screen contains Responder Type, Routing Status, Address Status and Last Updated filters.
- By default, ERS contains a default filter called All Records. Applying this filter displays all records belonging to the current account, based on the screen.
- Click the Filter button. ERS retrieves all CDR results that match the filter criteria you selected, and the screen updates to reflect the matching results. For example, CDRs were filtered to only display Security Desk calls by choosing Security Desk under the Call Type filter.
To save your filter criteria
- After choosing your filters, click on the Save As button.
- In the Save As pop-up screen, enter a name for the filter and click on the Save button.
- The filter is saved and available under My Saved Filters, in the Call Details Records screen.
To edit a saved filter
- Click the My Saved Filters dropdown icon, then select Manage Filters.
- From the Manage Filters pop-up screen, click on the filter name to edit it.
- The filter name becomes an editable field. Enter a new name and click the checkmark.
- Click the Save button.
To delete a filter
- Click the My Saved Filters dropdown icon, and select Manage Filters.
- From the Manage Filters pop-up screen, click on the filter name to edit it.
- The filter name becomes an editable field. Click on the associated delete icon.
- Click the Save button.
To export results
- Click on Export button.
- The Export screen appears. Enter an appropriate file name and click OK.
- The export file is generated and stored in the File Manager, on top right of the screen. Click on the File Manager icon. This displays all the files that are generated and available for download.
- Click on the desired file to download it.